
“Opportunity” is one of the biggest desires of our beneficiaries in Haiti.
Without the opportunity to make money, create, grow, and learn, people often feel helpless and hopeless.
Our business development program rests in the scripture

“…seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile.
Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper” Jer. 29:7, NIV

Our Projects

  • Fanm Konbit Sewing Group

    Fanm Konbit translates to “the women of Konbit,” and they have been working on their skills for over 7 years. This group of 15 moms use their consistent pay check to help send their children to school and pay for food. They learn new sewing patterns often and are honing in on their skills!

  • Moringa Production

    We love moringa- it is a powerhouse plant that is easily found in Haiti. This program supports a family, local farmers, and a few local young adults. This program dries and processes leaves for moringa powder. It also presses oil from the seeds for rich moringa oil. Both are sold in the USA.

  • Business Training

    Sometimes all we need is a bit of time with someone who has gone before us— we love partnering with local and international entrepreneurs who give advice on business and getting started.